Friday, December 18, 2015

interesting afternoon visits

After morning session and lunch, we (all ordained and catechists, there is about 10 of us) go visiting. I am told that it is protocol to visit the chiefs and Commander of the police Station, SO we go visiting
* the District Chief Executive (represents the President and implements government laws)
* the Traditional Chief and two Sub Chiefs (like a district manager)
Was at home but came into the Receiving Room in his offices with his two sub Chiefs
^Commander of the Local Police Station
The Greeting Ceremony was the same in all visits.
We are granted permission to enter and in a line, each of us shake the hand of who we are visiting and sit down, then the person we are visiting gets up and goes around shaking the hand of all of us.
The one of us states our business, Anglican Church holding a Convention in their area, so we came to greet them, tell them our business and invite them to the celebration service on Sunday. Then there is small talk, sometimes in local language so ??? what it was about, then we leave.
After these visits we went to a bereaved family, the Father died this morning, same greeting ceremony with the family (probably about 20 family, sitting receiving people), then we prayed and left.
all and all, very interesting, the Police Commander born in Ghana but now is American and has returned to work in Ghana, his father's people have lived in Toronto for many years.small world eh!

THEN Dean and I escaped to home, skipping the evening session, I had a little nap, shower and now relaxing. Tomorrow starts late at 6 am    goodie.......


  1. Not surevif you heard but know you would want to. Canon Bev Brightling died Dec 13th. Funeral Dec 30th. Want a time eh? No other details at present.

  2. thank, got the Diocese of Toronto emailing
