Friday, December 4, 2015


it was 78f when I woke up and wished I had a sweater, cooooold it was
to market and bought veggies, then came home and made spaghetti sauce, a little bit of cayenne pepper goes a long way, even when it is off the stove. Will freeze it in usable amounts to make supper time easier, still have not look too hard for a crock pot, there is one at Melcom's and I need to go and see it again.
Last spring, before Easter I asked Patrick, carpenter, to make a Pascal Candle stand and we had a long conversation about what it should look like.    well as I left the beginning of June he claimed he was working on it but it did not appear, when I got back in October I went back and re ordered it, today I went back and he said I did  not remind him, I threatened with a smile to slice his throat (he laughs at me when I make the sign of slicing his throat) so we are down to the last call, I said if it was not done by Xmas I was finding another carpenter, he claimed, no, I am your carpenter, anyway, time will tell.  I hope he does it as he is a nice guy and is handy as the shop is across from Melcom's (Ghana Walmart store).
I rode a taxi today, driver name is Yaw, we made a couple of stops including the ATM, I have his number so he says I just need to call for him to pick me up, I have a couple of names now which will be handy when I go out. There is no central dispatch service for the taxis here, you stand at the side of the road and wave your hand, there are two ways of riding, one is like a bus, cost is cheap, people get on and off but I am dammed if I can figure out what direction they are going, second way is called 'dropping', means you hire the cab, like in Canada, and it costs more, and you can make several stops like I did today, yes you pay per stop but it sure in handy, anyway I got my shopping done without sweating ++++, just a little


  1. Even 78 is not cold compared to 5 celsius but better than this time last year. Good luck with pascal candle stand. Have you got the candle?

  2. we have candles but in the past have just sat it on the altar which makes me nervous that it will fall over
