Saturday, April 18, 2015


wedding at the cathedral, the expectation is that all clergy are present so there were 4 priests and 1 deacon, last year I did not attend and I was asked many times...where was I so I learn the drill.
of course with such a service the electricity went off at 6am and so Mr. Generator to the rescue

for an 11am service, starting at 1130 not tooo bad start and I walk back in my door at 2pm. The rest of the clergy are still there and they have services tomorrow. Being a priest here is an endurance test for sure. What I found most unusual after the wedding was the fund raising for the couple, GC100 is shouted out by the MC and then who ever wants to give that much comes forward (Last week exchange rate was 3 GC for 1 Canadian dollar), then the amount goes down to 50 then 20 then 10 then 2 then 2 GC, there was also an offertory during the actual service. Its now just after 3 and I am home and the mother of the bride brought me food (a container with rice, salad and chicken with a can of pop) this is the standard meal at all events, maybe fufu (not my favourite at all) instead of rice and occasionally fish.
                  tasted great!!!
cakes with bubbly
dancing back after signing the register etc
 new to me that when the bride and groom are going to sit down behind the table facing the congregation, they only move when money id put in front of them, hence paper on the floor
I'm standing beside the dean and to his right is Fr. Martin and to his right is the retired dean of the cathedral Very Rev. Daniel and behind and between Dean and Fr. Martin is the curate Rev. Nat
What can I say, they are married
so I can not get rid of the underlining .....   oh well
So electricity back at 6pm and I plug all electronics in to recharge spaghetti junction

Well that's all for today and back for 2 services starting at 7am tomorrow


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