Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday with the unexpected

yesterday the dean was informed that the preacher for today was not coming so he asked me to preach at the English service at 7am, so after due deliberation I had some words on paper to say
During the gospel processional the dean asked if I had a printer as his printer was not printing today's bulletin properly, I asked was I to preach or print the bulletin as I could not do both and the sermon was next, preach and then print the bulletin he says, so I did, talked slow and I think it worked from the response that I got, left during the peace around 815, had some difficulty finding where the bulletin was on a computer but eventually that became clear, I took the external hard drive to my place to print off a master for the bulleting WELL nothing is simple as the document was in Publisher which I do not have on my computer, went back to the techy and he said he would get his lap top and download the printer driver on it and then print the bulletin, WELL for what ever reason the driver would not down load so we could not print SO I thought of taking my printer to the Dean's computer, down loading the driver and printing the bulletin, That's what we did and had a master by a little after 9 for the 9am service, I went back to my place for a drink and about 920 I wandered back just in time to process in. The tecky? sp  produced copies of the bulletin for all, assignment accomplished and all done   fun eh!!!!!!
Today the Society of Mary were in attendance and brought offerings, the priest get goodie bags after service.

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