Sunday, April 19, 2015

a day of rest

got up and dressed for first service, did not feel well, nausea so I begged off church today and went back to bed, got up at noon. still not feeling great but ate some lunch, felt worse so planned to lay low all day, Dean and Mother came after church to check, read in pm and then Atta and Mother were 'pounding' to I went out to watch and chat, feeling much better actually, so Atta had to leave for a moment so I picked up the pound stick and for a few minutes  I did the pounding, then granddaughter took over and then Atta was back, then I sat on a stool and gabbed, Dean like to give 'assignments' he was in education before he was ordained, my assignment for the Tuesday service is to talk about St. Anselm, patron saint of the cathedral and the 21st is his day. and what influence is he today, I guess I will have to get to know him, thank goodness for internet and Wikipedia

cute eh, in grade five , loves to read books about astronomy and greed and bible stories, so if you see these topics at a garage sale, I can bring them back in October when I return

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