Tuesday, April 14, 2015

no hydro

no hydro when I got up and was off until after 6 pm, I guess they are doing load shedding( rotating cutting the electricity off ) as they have more demand than supply. I quickly plugged everything to charge up and put chicken on for supper , I was going to go out but the car would not start and it was warm so I read instead and called Mathias, the driver who is the source of all car fixing for me
I bought a bag years ago in Cape Coast made from plastic sachet bags (500 cc of water are sold in bags like sandwich zip lock bags but are heat sealed) a bag of 30 sachets cost 3 GC (about $1 Canadian and that is the water that I drink)   see below from Cape Coast
so I told Sr Mavis about these bags for her Skill centre to make, recycle does not have a following here in Ghana so there is considerable little black plastic bags and these sachet bags thrown away. 
I have trying to figure out the easiest way to assemble the bag and as I fell asleep last night the solution came to me even though I was not even thinking about it, our minds are a wonderful thing eh!
so I have used a stapler to fasten the sachet sacs together and will take it all apart when I go to the Skill centre and get them to sew it with the sides and bottom having cloth for decoration,
I will bring a few home for you to see but they will cost next to nothing for the material as they can use left overs scraps for decorating and collect the bags anywhere, I just save the ones that I use  --- not going into garbage but recycled  and save the environment. it  take some sweet talking for them to be used here unfortunately, take time this recycle stuff
  • this is my prototype not finished but I will take it apart at the centre, one sachet is at the bottom next to the stapler so you can see what I am talking about. 


  1. ingenious could the bags be used as lining with a fabic shell then used fir lunch bags

  2. sure but the problem would be that the stitching between the sachets may leak
    no one has reusable lunch bags but they do fill a basket with food and dishes and utensils so I guess it is more involves than the lunch bag
