Wednesday, December 31, 2014

OLD YEAR ENDS.... NEW YEAR BEGINS ... MMMM...what will be up in the next 12 months? 17 down...4 to go

Different direction of the radiation today, a little longer as well, I could feel the results of the rays pain but a sparkly feeling and it has been off and on all day ???? I guess its normal, will ask doc on Monday (will let you know)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

#16 done......5 to go

Today ended my first radiation direction, my chest looks like a  bright red sunburn in the shape of a square (it is amazing how the techs line my tattoos up to the machine everyday so the radiation is on the same place every time, pretty neat if I do say so myself) I guess everyone needs a tanned square on their chest for decoration,    lol,    burn feels hot, saw doc today and got ointment PROSHIELD PLUS to sooth the skin, ointment on but not feel much better yet, hopefully soon  ......

Monday, December 29, 2014

#15 done.....6 to go

Well the end is in sight.
Originally the surgeon said that normally one has 16 radiation treatments but the radiation oncologist felt 5 more from the side were in order as the surgically removed specimen was in two pieces making it difficult to determine where the clean outer edge was. Wednesday I will start the new direction for 5 treatments.
TV, reading and knitting are my best friends keeping me sorta occupied

Sunday, December 28, 2014

#14 DOWN....7 TO GO

Went to London to see grandson and his parents yesterday, great visit,
no traffic on Sunday when going to the hospital, the staff said they volunteered to work today so I hope they get a get nice treat.
early appt. tomorrow, gee ....   surprise, surprise, do not do the happy dance before noon

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

#13 down .... 8 to go

well here it is xmas eve, a different xmas season for sure.
Had measurements taken today for the last 6 treatments as they will directed from the side
The radiation equipment is beyond imagination: the top of the table moves from side to side and the whole piece can move in a circle (not so good for me as I have motion sickness at the best of times, they were kind as they did not want me to barf).
I wish everyone a peaceful Xmas. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

#12 down....9 to go

Feel great today! maybe I am overcoming the 'being tired' business
Great weather but crazy temps . I was told about the snow storm last xmas while I was sitting in front of a fan with temp of 35c ....  I miss the sun and warmth and I have to dress with many layers .... such a hard life

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hump Day, #11 down and 10 to go

saw doc, little rash and a very small blister on the burn spot, and being a little tired continues but it is all part of the package I am told. got Rx of cortisone cream

thank goodness that I have not seen TV for the last few years so nothing is a rerun for me   lol
Knitting a new pattern for 'sucky' socks (socks that you put on when life sucks
and you want to have a long rest and drink of ? sort)

Friday, December 19, 2014

#9 and #10...... now 11 to go

After #9 I go out for dinner last night, felt great!
After #10 today I felt like I had the flu... aching joints, queasy stomach, came home and slept for 2 hours. I think this is the effects of radiation, my skin has an area looking like sunburn and a little uncomfortable, techy commented that it was from the treatment  OH HUM ....  what can I say
Thank goodness I have the weekend to rest up for # 11.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday #8 down and 13 to go

Had a stoppage on the Bloor Subway coming home, a personnel injury of some sort was reported so trains between St. George and Lansdowne were replaced with buses for a while
created ++ havoc at St. George stn. but eventually the train came and things got back to order
I would imagine that when the trains are down the chaos must be beyond my imagination, we rely on  our modern way of living and I wonder how many people could function and survive without it. ????
a big question in my mind

Its Tuesday do you know where you treatment is? YES ... 7 down.... 14 to go

Well the journey continues, riding the subway, wait to be called in, get the gown on, lay for the maybe 6 or 7 minute treatment, get gown off and in the laundry hamper, get back on transit whether the subway along Bloor or the streetcar along College and Dundas, catch the Greenwood north bus and then home.

Monday, December 15, 2014

#6 down....15 to go

warm weather of what compared to the recent snow storm, hard to figure out which coat to wear.
Saw Radiology oncologist Dr. Leven (pronounced Levene with out the ,e,) today, nice man, says things are going as planned, I have a little ache which he says can be from the lymphatic system not working to well for the breast, so some massage around the waist stimulate that system to drain so I do what he says and the ache should go away.
bought some brown minute rice which takes 10 minutes to cook, I think I remember stuff that was ready in a minute or two BUT maybe I remember incorrectly  ???????

Friday, December 12, 2014

#5 down....16 to go

No added snow and nice temp made outside a pleasure
I have started a Pandora Bracelet which will end up with 21 charms for my 21 treatments. It is a treat for me on the way home from the hospital.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

#4.....17 to go

Slept last night so maybe the insomnia was a fluke.

the drill is the same but the snow puts a different wrinkle in the transport system.
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ...
I heard that tomorrow will be the same..... oh hum

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

#3...18 to go

did a bit of run around this am with the assistance of Mary Ellen driving since Tanya has the car.
Realizing that if I arrive for my appt. early there is a good chance to get taken early so I was 2 hours early and was out, done within 3/4 of an hour. It may not always be like this but I can read at PMH just as easy at home (a little game I am playing with the appt. clock)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#2 .... #19 to go

Monday was the same drill as Friday, there are juice and cookies on the coffee table in the waiting room... very nice to have a drink available, there is a basket on the bookcase with knitting on the go for one to add a few rows to
Monday night not sleep well and had not on Friday night as well,, of course in my waking night hours I googled side effects of radiation and guess what !!!!!!! insomnia in the beginning, who would have thought. I had today off  with have treatments Wed, Thurs and Friday, I sure hope I get sleep before the weekend
I forgot my grandmother duties, Ben turned 6 last Saturday
ta ta

Friday, December 5, 2014


sign in and wait to be called, thank goodness for my Kobo to keep me occupied, change and lay down, my tattoos are the markers to set up the machine, maybe 7-8 minutes and its all over,  no pain, just need to lay still, dress and leave. more time spent travelling and setting up, than the actual treatment, only 20 to go........

Thursday, December 4, 2014


@PMH got measured and tattooed (for the first time, I asked for purple but only they only had blue, oh well.. ) as set up for the radiation treatments that begin tomorrow. This insures consistency  and accuracy for each treatment.  Daily trips on the TTC .... goodie I can't wait.....
Benjamin turns 6 on Saturday so a Birthday Party will be the order of that day.
hopefully snow and rain can wait til Sunday

Saturday, November 29, 2014

FRIDAY I dont know whether it is black or not, just that it is Friday

Friday was a marathon of 2 doc appts.
1) to see radiologist to determine radiation treatments 11am at PMH,
of course arrived at 1015 so I would not be late (still not so sure about TTC subway so leave very early). Tanya arrives, taken in to see Dr. Leven at 1215 (they were running a little late ??? no reason why but anyway) he is a nice fellow, explains things even drawing pictures
SO the determination is that I will receive 21 treatments (an additional 5 directed from the side as the lump was taken out and then, the surrounding tissue (not taken as one specimen) which results in
Dr. Leven not being able to determine the exact margin from the centre of the lump so the extra just to be sure). This treatment reduces the reoccurrence of cancer from 30% to 15% so seems like a worthwhile treatment for me
He was sweet in that he offered to start after Xmas but I expressed my desire to get this show on the road, so being measured next Thursday and treatments start next Friday.
Ran down stairs, bought sandwich at Druxies in PMH lobby, jumped in the car
2) to see medical oncologist at the Cancer centre in Hamilton (I use Tanya's address in Hamilton and Cancer Care Ontario has the care determined by your address so hence we are off to Hamilton) don't ask why I can do the rest at PMH, I have no answer.
Arrive at 245pm for 3pm appt, sign in etc and sit.
see Resident, who does physical and talks about options.
I will admit because the tumour was very small, end of my little finger, I am going to need to be convinced to take medication to reduce the reoccurrence rate. The meds can reduce another 45 to 50% of reoccurrence so it would be down to 7% possibly to reoccur. Some of the side effects are not nice to need to investigate more to make the decision.
They were very generous and gave me the side effects for the two types of meds, and would phone the prescription in rather than have me come back to this hospital.
So headed back to Toronto on GO.
a little tired so off to bed

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cold again

following Jeannie around is work: 8 ladies for lunch today, concert in Ottawa where her nephew had a role, yesterday another visitor to stay a few days, he is quite lovely ..... long time since a male slept  in my bedroom.... have I caught your attention ???????

Friday, November 21, 2014

Snow and fellowship

 I was part of a team chopping this am, chopping enough veggies for 100 tourtieres being sold as a fund raiser for the church, conversation covered many topics
chopping chopping chopping ..... and then
off to the park for a walk in the cemetery 
grave of former Prime Minister Lester B. Parson

Thursday, November 20, 2014

snow and wind

Appt with radiologist is set for Nov 28 at PMH so the next chapter is starting for radiation treaments
In the meanwhile:
Senior's lunch at St. Magdalene Anglican Church in Chelsea Quebec (one point in Jeannie's parish)
Meals in church's are universal in their nature -  prepare food at home, set up room, serve food and clean up ....  great ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, dessert (I do not know what as I did not partake) great conversation, seniors from the community without regard to church attended.... kinda neat
Snow continues fall with ploughing and shovelling the order of the day
no birds taking a bath today
Jeannie's aunt has taken a turn for the worse in Ottawa so Bartho is keeping me company, well sorta as he sleeps


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

snow country in Quebec

visiting Jeannie in Wakefield, snow, snow, snow.... winter has arrived, at least it has here.
looking out to the road from the front window

I am having a good time roaming the countryside while waiting for the next chapter of my journey with Breast Cancer. I expect to be notified this week when I will meet with the Radiology Oncologist to discuss radiation treatments. I hope they will be in December to get them done and over with. ................................................................hope. hope. hope.


Friday, November 14, 2014


went to Dr. McCready post op visit with Tanya at PMH
no cancer in the node   :) :) :)
no chemo but radiation is the next chapter, should have appt made with the Oncology Radiologist with in a few days, need 16x radiation treatments and then appt with Medical Oncologist just to review the chart but unlikely to have any further connection.
then mammograms 1x year

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


went to a service at St. Barnabas on the Danforth on Sunday pm to listen to the piper (love the pipes)
yesterday went to the service at the Cenotaph in Crystal Beach, piper was hard to hear but I had a great companion while I sat on the ground who had come from Alaska.
His name is KENAI after a peninsula where his owners were living

Thursday, November 6, 2014

can't sleep

for what ever reason, can't sleep
a week has passed since surgery, steri-strips are off, incision looks clean, continue to feel great, walking every day with the dog (Finnian) - shoes are the best
- seeing sites in To that I 've not seen in a while or ever
Art Gallery to see the COLVILLE Exhibition - learned more about him as a person - bought a print of Dog and Priest very interesting story in the painting
- went to the Opera House (never even knew it had been built, S E corner of  Queen and University, right beside the Osgood Subway stn.) for a free concert Wednesday at 530pm and then to a great Middle Eastern Restaurant for a goat dinner near Greenwood and Danforth with quite a marriage of flavours
now will try to sleep ...... zzzzzz  I hope

And today is Kirk's 40th birthday  .  HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRK

Monday, November 3, 2014


feeling great.!
my GP called to check that I really meant that I was ok, she is very sweet.
I thought that I was incognito as a priest at church until yesterday the priest Jonathon, admitted he recognized me ( I can't hide anywhere)
Now just waiting til the 14th doc appt. to get pathology results and then the plan for radiation is made for December
N|OW I am reacquainting myself with the TTC system (I forgot how good it really is) hoping on and off the subways (the new ones are VERY nice)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2nd day post op

Dressing is off, no stitches, just steri strips (little pieces of tape across the incision) a little more aching in the armpit now (I have to guess that the doc went roaming for the Sentinel node through the one incision) other than that, eating drinking complaining etc as per normal . Tanya bringing the makings for crock pot chicken today and maybe we will go shopping as she has car these days.
Post op appt with doc November 14th, will get pathology results and plan for 16x radiation treatments in December, hopefully completed by Christmas AND life goes on

Thursday, October 30, 2014


today was busy starting at PMH at 715am in Day Surgery unit on 18F, vitals (BP, TEMP ETC) assessed, escorted for 9am to X-ray for wire guide into the tumour under Ultrasound imaging, then  escorted to Mt. Sinai Hospital through a walk through (no outside as I am in a patient gown) to Nuclear Medicine Department. Radio active blue dye is injected into breast and over the next 20 minutes the journey of the dye is tracked by a series of pictures to discover the first lymph nodes to receive the dye (these nodes are called Sentinel nodes and are known to be the first place the cancer will spread). A permanent marker X is put on the skin over the nodes to guide the surgeon to remove them with the tumour.
Back to room on 18f
Escort arrives to give me a ride on  the stretcher to the Operating Room, I am starving, have headache as no morning coffee and really really wanting food, any kind will do. I get teased that the four letter f word will not be uttered in my presence (food) lol  you thought it was my frequently used four letter f word...I got you  lol
An elevator trip down to 3f, in holding pattern to see anaesthetist (the anaesthetic claims that she will be offering a cocktail she call 'gin and tonic' x 2 plus sedative gas through a mask, no big tube down my airway to put me to sleep, I had concern about my teeth retainers and other points of interest about my teeth and they will not be at risk yipeeeeeee), get IV in and a NICE WARM FLANNEL BLANKET, talk with the surgeon (Dr. McCready) to establish that we are both on the same page about what is going to take place.(in R breast to take out tumour and sentinel nodes). yep we are both on the same page. after a little wait .... ride the gurney into OR (no cheering like on Palm Sunday), onto the table. get another warm blanket (YES, LIFE IS GOOD!), get my cocktail (the best trip I have taken in a very long time) plus the mask and I am in dream land.
Operation take about 70 minutes and I am back sorta to the land of the living, very drunk with the anaesthetic medication, shortly after the discomfort sets in, a bit of pain medication in the IV, aah .....relief, and then, in an hour or so, ready for travelling to my room on 18f for FOOD!!!!!!!! AND DRINK   tbtG
eat, drink, be merry and become fully awake and off to home by 530pm to devour take out Swiss Chalet supper as cooking is not on my agenda.
- Kirk and Tanya were invited to go to all the stops and wait with me +++ a real bonus to have their support
- staff were consistently great, friendly, informative
- hospital food was actually ok
I continue to say that PRINCESS MARGARET HOSPITAL is a very well oiled machine for Cancer Care. We are very privileged to live in a city and a country that provides world class health care in our backyard and, we need to be thankful.
Here it is 1245 am, feel great, still no pain and I am off to bed.
Thanks to all for prayers, support and caring.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


I need to be at PMH at 730am on Thursday for preop with anaesthetist and to get a guide put into the lump so it can be found as it is so small. Kirk is driving me and we will meet Tanya at the hospital.
Still walking in my walking shoes and enjoying it more (who would have thought eh!)

Friday, October 17, 2014

getting ready - nortic walking

I bought walking shoes yesterday to get myself in shape to walk 'the 5K' in the Run for the Cure next October in London Ontario, yes I realize I have an early start as I am not in shape to last for 5K.
My kids who both run, have agreed to enter with me. I got Nortic Walking poles from Debbie (she got them in a garage sale so I understand). I am told a good time will be to walk 5 K in one hour. Today I walked .5 mile in 15 minutes so you can see that I have a way to go. I came home and rested for an hour ...... I know I'm a suck but its the best that I could do.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

temp 4c, a little chilly

cottage is cool to say the least, making arrangements to stay in Toronto this afternoon so will be in the city after this weekend.
Wi-Fi, hot chocolate and warmth are great assets of Tim Horton's (yea Timmy)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

the journey continues

Got a call yesterday with an appt for a repeat ultrasound today at 9am (very very early by my standards) left cottage at 615 and got to PMH at 845 (from darkness needing headlights to grey skies and crazy downtown traffic) Ultrasound was done very thoroughly and then needed to be read by radiologist ........... long wait, had a little nap and then she arrived, I gather there was a cyst so she did a needle aspiration, what else,, we were discussing life and I mentioned that I had a choice this fall between Ebola in West Africa or cancer, she smiled and said I made the correct choice (what humour we use in the mist of life), long wait at a friend's including lunch, to GP for 3pm to have preop physical (she commented that I was very healthy other than the lump) thank goodness for small mercies. I have indicated that I would be willing to take a cancellation to get this show on the road.
Thanks to everyone who have been so generous in the offering of assistance of any type.
3 trips to Toronto this week ugh. I will be staying in To after Thanksgiving so the long back and forth will end. ......       off to pack up the cottage for the winter

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Travel plans can be easily rerouted and changed as I have found out. The plane ticket indicated that I was leaving for Ghana on October 21st but the Mammogram indicated that my health care needed to be dealt with first.
A positive mammogram, more films, ultrasound, biopsies resulting in a pathology report that required intervention at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). The lump is very small (end of my little finger) thank God for mammograms as it cannot be felt. please note all who have skipped their mammogram this year or last.
Yesterday I met the surgeon, Dr. McCready and the Breast Clinic Team at PMH.
Discussion resulted in a plan being a lumpectomy to remove cancerous lump and a few lymph nodes in the arm pit, two weeks later discussing pathology results and probably radiation for three weeks. I hope it is completed by Christmas and maybe Ghana in January.
I feel well and am quite optimistic that this is merely a trip around a block that I am not designing, not being thrown under the bus. I just don’t have to like everything that life throws in front of me. I live surrounded by family, friends and a great health care system (no matter how many complaints I hear) that ensures that this journey will be just that, a trip with a beginning, a middle and an end and then, back to my regular life whatever that is or will be.
I will blog as this journey proceeds rather than send to all interested parties, an individual email. Prayers and wishes gratefully needed.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

back on Canadian soil

flights were good, not slept since yesterday at 6am
so off to bed

Monday, April 21, 2014


Well folks, the time is ending and this will be my last entry for this time in Ghana.
I was Suzy Homemaker today, washing curtains, sweeping the floor, covering everything from the dust, finishing packing the bags. I am not really a Suzy as I really do not like doing these essential tasks at all but like all things, the time comes when it is needed. It is now going on 9pm, just returned from having dinner with Bishop and Mother Felicia, they saved me from having a cheese sandwich, so that will be breakfast. Tomorrow I leave Sunyani around 1045, arrive Accra 1145am and my flight to Heathrow is not until 1045pm ,,,,,,,, a long wait but better waiting in an air conditioned airport than driving for 8-9 hours from here to Accra. then another long wait in Heathrow Terminal 5 (having spent many hours there I know where all the hiddy holes are, like where I can put chairs together and sleep) arrive Toronto close to 3pm  Wednesday. I hope everyone has a fun summer and I will be back here mid October. Ciao!!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

plug for fan

I have not been kind to the plug when I move my floor fan, I just yank it, wellll the wires broke AND the fan did not work, funny that eh! I know remove using the plug but I didn't so this pm I
walked to town market and there were a few shops open including 2 electrical stores, first store not have a 'do it your self 'new plug but referred me to the second one along the street, success!! he was quite surprised that I would change the plug and even more surprised that I have 2 screw drivers, I told him I also have a hammer. so fan works good now and I learned my lesson, I will use the plug when moving the fan

Funeral Stole

cloth worn at funeral is either back and red OR black and white. The family designates which it to be worn. The stole used is black and white and I had one made. You can wear white which is what is usual in Canada but everyone tries to get a black and white stole made..... see mine below. It is quite lovely if you can say that for a funeral, when everyone wears the same colour, the dress design is as varies as the black and white design.   Men wear the designate cloth as well.


25 servers, 6 ordained, smoke, bells, congregation, drums and music.......together for 41/2 hours and what do you have... a celebration fit for Easter
Dancing and singing in preparation for the sermon
both women and men dance to drumming and singing
women keeping time

men followed
young people kicking up a storm
Mother Felicia singing a hymn to begin the sermon for Bishop
 Bishop sharing the Word



Happy Easter to all. At the vigil last night, scheduled for 6, started at 715, a very long baptismal rite, blessing water and renewing vows, had salt as part if the ritual (will need to look that up as it was in local language and I did not understand it), then after 9 starting the Eucharist and the hydro went so ...... we went home. I was actually pleased as I had been there over 3 hours at this point and only left once to get a drink (it was really hot and I was sweating ++++++)
I am packing as I leave for Canada on Tuesday, I dislike packing a whole lot but it is part of the game of travelling.
Today we are having one service in 25 minutes at 9am and tomorrow there is an event where everyone comes and it is like a picnic, with games, music,  and food  and lots of chatting on the grounds of the cathedral. off to church......

Friday, April 18, 2014

PALM SUNDAY Emmanuel Memorial Church - Thika

looking from the back
either side of transcept

some of the animals at the WALKING SAFARI in the National Park in Nairobi

This park with the animals had several on display, have a hospital where they rehab rescues, sometimes they go back to the wild of live out life in  zoo setting
some were sleeping up a tree or behind a bush so the pickens were a little slim
Pigmy Hippo
lives all by himself with no sad
A monkey with a very furry tail which I had not seen before, he is  a rescue
fixing a thatched roof
 at conclusion of walk about

trying to put up pics again

Mama Mercy

with Bishop Julius   

                           Guard Turkey at Mama Mercy's house called TOM

Bishop Julius with youngest daughter and oldest two below

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

pics from Kenya

arrived 2 hours late and Mama Mercy got up and made us breakfast at 4am, she deserves a medal
synod has similar ingredients around the Anglican Communion, the church in Kenya is low church with conservative theology, eg Palm Sunday and where we worshiped did not celebrate the Eucharist (sorta weird from my point of view but when in Rome....)
Mama Mercy's home
pics wont load ???not know what is the matter,, will try tomorrow

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

still on the road

its 645pm and we are leaving Kumasi, another 2 hours at least oh hum.... bumper to bumper for miles
thank goodness for a portable modem to keep me entertained on route

back in ghana

flew in from Nairobi to accra
left house at 2am for a 530am flight to addis ababa Ethiopia, another flight from there to accra
I am on the road with is not paved, very bumpy will take 5-6 hours to get to sunyani
talk later

Monday, April 7, 2014

Travelling tomorrow to Kenya

With the Bishop and Mother Felicia I leave for Accra tomorrow, staying overnight and then Wednesday via Ethiopia Airline flying out to Nairobi Kenya to attend the synod of the Diocese of Twika to be held in Nairobi. I dont particularly like synods but I am sure it will be interesting in its own way, do not think phone nor modem will work there or  ??? if anyone has wifi so tootle lou until  ??????

Sunday, April 6, 2014


made arrangements with Mother Felicia to go with her to Nkoranza to see whether there is a possibility of starting a Homework Club, we are to leave  6am , so  up at 5, Bishop calls at 550, am I ready, calls again at 610, we are not going as the road was washed out in last night's rain, Bishop asks do I want to go to St. James, Dormaa, (about 50 km from the Ivory Coast border)  as that is where he is going, sure.. leave 8ish and I will get picked up. We,  Bishop, Mother Felicia and moi leave here at 845, service starts at 10am, (small congregation with lots of kids) ends about 1pm, we got snacks and a drink and started for home about 115, back by 245 pm, NOW IS NAP TIME, 
                                             see  kids and I have a outfit with lots of pink

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Poverty contributes to many situations that are not seen in a developed country. Ebola has broken out  in Guinea and Liberia ( located in West Africa on the Atlantic Coast) both countries are very poor with severe lack of health care. Ebola is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids and has a very poor prognosis as there is no vaccine. Doctors without Borders are trying to cope with the situation but lack of education, resources and health care, make it almost an impossible task. SO if you live in a place with accessible health care, education for all and  a social  safety net,  give thanks and perhaps a donation to Doctors without Borders might be an idea (I would think that you can do while on line with a visa card). No, it is not here in Ghana so I do not worry.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


BY 830 this am I had received a gift... rice and chicken, still warm, and a sparkling fruit drink from Mary (Prison contact), it will feed me today and tomorrow, this is a 'good thing'

Monday, March 31, 2014


I have spent most of the day trying to get a functioning phone with the ability to text. my phone provider has significant changes the bundle packages in the Pay as you go section. I was  to the office 3x (the saving is air conditioned) the pm concluded the task by using a text provider that  uses the internet rather than the phone, I am told it is a cheaper way to go, called WhatsAp. Emmanuel in the office set it up and if someone wants to text me, you have to download the program as you can only receive and send messages from those who have installed the program. I will see how it goes, not having any texting would be a pain. lots of rain this pm but it cooled things off, actually if it gets any cooler I might even need a sweater   lol   remember I need everyone to work on getting rid of the cold weather by Easter before I get back or I will freeze   

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Today is Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent, a celebration that is always held here, whereas  in Canada, not too often as Mother's Day in May takes priority but it has much commercialism surrounding it whereas today is a religious service for those who mother (I consider anyone, male of female can mother so it is a celebration for all). I continue to find it weird when I finish preaching, someone gets up and repeats it all in local language. Sometime it sounds more interesting than my version but what the heck.... 

Friday, March 28, 2014

hydro shedding saga cont'd

I thought that with this system we would have a schedule when the hydro was going to be off, schedule and the last two nights off from 10 or 11 pm until sometime in the morning, like it is 915am and it is still not back on. Am I pleased with my self with the rechargeable flashlight or what, it sits in a pringles chip tube like a candle and keeps the dark away
                                                                       ta ta

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Archbishop addresses clergy

Archbishop was back this am, talking about called to ministry and behaviour for clergy. He promised to send me a copy of his book on the ordination of women, I am trying to sort out the head space around the issue from his point of view..
the group gathered

Monday, March 24, 2014

Archbishop of Niger Delta, Nigeria the Most Rev. Ignatius Katty

The Diocese of Sunyani has a missionary from the Niger Delta, a priest who is working at St. Peters in Berekum, Rev Fr. Josiah Ohackwusi. Tonight we had a group with the Archbishop visiting. The area of the country where he resides has considerable unrest and last September the Archbishop was kidnapped and released 6 days later unharmed.The Archbishop gave an address tonight with vigor, enthusiasm, an altar call, a healing call and prayers for the Diocese of Sunyani. Very vibrate fellow. Has has written a book Ordination of Women- Give them a chance in the early 90's but he was saying to me that there are no women yet, it is slow for everyone to agree. I hope to find a copy.