Sunday, April 6, 2014


made arrangements with Mother Felicia to go with her to Nkoranza to see whether there is a possibility of starting a Homework Club, we are to leave  6am , so  up at 5, Bishop calls at 550, am I ready, calls again at 610, we are not going as the road was washed out in last night's rain, Bishop asks do I want to go to St. James, Dormaa, (about 50 km from the Ivory Coast border)  as that is where he is going, sure.. leave 8ish and I will get picked up. We,  Bishop, Mother Felicia and moi leave here at 845, service starts at 10am, (small congregation with lots of kids) ends about 1pm, we got snacks and a drink and started for home about 115, back by 245 pm, NOW IS NAP TIME, 
                                             see  kids and I have a outfit with lots of pink


  1. lovely looking kids! And, you have a whole new wardrobe!

  2. the wardrobe continues to grow, and everyone knows I like colour which abounds here everywhere and on everyone (male and female)
