Sunday, April 20, 2014


Happy Easter to all. At the vigil last night, scheduled for 6, started at 715, a very long baptismal rite, blessing water and renewing vows, had salt as part if the ritual (will need to look that up as it was in local language and I did not understand it), then after 9 starting the Eucharist and the hydro went so ...... we went home. I was actually pleased as I had been there over 3 hours at this point and only left once to get a drink (it was really hot and I was sweating ++++++)
I am packing as I leave for Canada on Tuesday, I dislike packing a whole lot but it is part of the game of travelling.
Today we are having one service in 25 minutes at 9am and tomorrow there is an event where everyone comes and it is like a picnic, with games, music,  and food  and lots of chatting on the grounds of the cathedral. off to church......

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