Thursday, November 20, 2014

snow and wind

Appt with radiologist is set for Nov 28 at PMH so the next chapter is starting for radiation treaments
In the meanwhile:
Senior's lunch at St. Magdalene Anglican Church in Chelsea Quebec (one point in Jeannie's parish)
Meals in church's are universal in their nature -  prepare food at home, set up room, serve food and clean up ....  great ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, dessert (I do not know what as I did not partake) great conversation, seniors from the community without regard to church attended.... kinda neat
Snow continues fall with ploughing and shovelling the order of the day
no birds taking a bath today
Jeannie's aunt has taken a turn for the worse in Ottawa so Bartho is keeping me company, well sorta as he sleeps


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