Friday, October 17, 2014

getting ready - nortic walking

I bought walking shoes yesterday to get myself in shape to walk 'the 5K' in the Run for the Cure next October in London Ontario, yes I realize I have an early start as I am not in shape to last for 5K.
My kids who both run, have agreed to enter with me. I got Nortic Walking poles from Debbie (she got them in a garage sale so I understand). I am told a good time will be to walk 5 K in one hour. Today I walked .5 mile in 15 minutes so you can see that I have a way to go. I came home and rested for an hour ...... I know I'm a suck but its the best that I could do.


  1. Replies
    1. just walked .5 mile in 7 minutes so now I need to develop stamina to last for an hour
      just think .... folks run 1 mile in 4 minutes
      walking will do for me
