Thursday, October 2, 2014

the journey continues

Got a call yesterday with an appt for a repeat ultrasound today at 9am (very very early by my standards) left cottage at 615 and got to PMH at 845 (from darkness needing headlights to grey skies and crazy downtown traffic) Ultrasound was done very thoroughly and then needed to be read by radiologist ........... long wait, had a little nap and then she arrived, I gather there was a cyst so she did a needle aspiration, what else,, we were discussing life and I mentioned that I had a choice this fall between Ebola in West Africa or cancer, she smiled and said I made the correct choice (what humour we use in the mist of life), long wait at a friend's including lunch, to GP for 3pm to have preop physical (she commented that I was very healthy other than the lump) thank goodness for small mercies. I have indicated that I would be willing to take a cancellation to get this show on the road.
Thanks to everyone who have been so generous in the offering of assistance of any type.
3 trips to Toronto this week ugh. I will be staying in To after Thanksgiving so the long back and forth will end. ......       off to pack up the cottage for the winter

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