Saturday, December 21, 2013

three shopping days till xmas

Have you got shopping done, house cleaned and presents wrapped....only 3 more days,
It is a little weird to me to have sunny days, temp of 35 and only one store, Malcom, that I saw with xmas decorations and artificial trees, not seen even one nativity scene anywhere except for the one I have. a little different.


  1. no presents wrapped, baking very lemon cookies, minced tarts but house cleaned. when I grew up we were not allowed to decorate before Christmas eve.(very stressful) Father David a stanch Welshman doesn't want us to decorate before either. Must be a C of E thing. Debbie

  2. Merry Christmas to you and all the best for 2014! XO

  3. Are they like lemon squares , if yes then I will taste them when I get back lol

  4. My shopping is done, and everything is wrapped and under the tree or waiting to be delivered. We managed to make it to Church this morning but didn't try to go to Bowmanville this afternoon. The roads were too bad. I am having one of the most relaxed Christmases I have ever had.
