Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Gifty's project

I met Gifty in the post office a while ago, and she helped me lick stamps to sent cards
She is Ghanian, went to America and worked for the government for 30 years and is now retired and has returned to see whether she can live here again. She had polio as a baby, has leg braces and crutches to get around.
She is trying to establish a learning centre for disabled folks (there are very few resources to enable someone with a disability to learn a trade to be self sufficient) and hopefully they could earn enough to make their way independently so to speak. She sews so is starting with a centre to learn how to sew. I went to see the shop today (see pics) and she is getting display cases and washroom etc so the place can be used. She is building a house (getting it built) and it will have extra bedrooms so if a students needs accommodation while at the centre, they would be able to stay in her house. I am really impressed with her goal and went to see it today,. I will keep you posted.
like two stores in a mall with the wall between with an opening.

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