Wednesday, December 25, 2013

St. Stephen's Day/xmas eve

it is 645 am and I am home from already celebrating the mass (wrecking my reputation of hating mornings but what can I do, when in Rome.....)
I will now put a few pics of Xmas Eve
they have a new fire (huge bon fire with wood like a teepee 12 feet high on the lawn) I did not get why they have it, as they do not bring the fire inside like at the Easter vigil but it quite noticeable because of the size,

..the women with the shepherds crooks are from the Society of the Good Shepherd  and they will stand at the door like sentries' at the processional and recessional. 

 then everyone walks around the fire singing in the local language....
in side the crèche with xmas lights and tinsel, was set up with kneeler to be venerated until Epiphany

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