Sunday, December 22, 2013

Feathers at the altar

quite a day, I celebrated at the English service, thank goodness for a great deacon who know everything, ( did not sleep much last night being a little nervous)......  AND  two Guilds donated many things for distribution to the needy and the  widows for Xmas (eggs, oil, yam, communion wafers and wine, and 5 live chickens  ++ plus other things) I had to get up and look as I thought they were dead and being put in front of the altar, nope they were alive and with their feet tied so they could not run around, I told the dean it was a first time for me seeing such a phenomena, after the later service I was offered a live chicken and I would be hard pressed to kill a chicken by myself, I  really like my chicken in a cello pack in the freezer part of the grocery store,
they are waiting.......


  1. where are the cats when you need them?! since I have yet to feed them their afternoon meal, both noah & luka are definitely in the mood to help you right now! i'm sure felony would go along for the ride just so he didn't miss out on the fun :-)

  2. oh well, the bus ticket would be a little steep for them to come here and assist LOL
    but you are right, they would love the challenge
