Monday, December 9, 2013

ground nut paste

found it today in the market guess what it is ??? bought tomatoes and got plantain for free along with a piece of cassava (I thought I was buying yam) .... close but no cigar. got some instruction from Mary(Dean's wife) along with a piece of yam (it looks very similar to cassava) and was on my way to making plantain chips (very nice they are) I
ate them all at one sitting from one ...add a little or a lot of salt and they are ready to go


  1. You'll have to make them at the cottage when you get back!

  2. OMG is mother now hosting a cooking blog?! did you make ground nut soup too?

  3. Her cooking specialty is grilled cheese sandwiches!!

  4. Right...thanks to Susan, with a dill pickle please
