Sunday, December 1, 2013

church here is an endurance test

service is the INAUGURATION OF THE CATECHIST WIVES GROUP.... left at 620am with Mother Ben Smith (from St. Peters in Berekum), taxi for almost 2 hours, 1 1/2 hours early, service was quite lovely, Mother Felicia( Bishop's wife has organized this group of women so they can be support to one another and to their husbands), music, dancing, scripture, sermon, Bishop's blessings for the women, children brought up for blessing with 3 small infants being especially welcomed, ends after 130, given a box lunch (spicy rice and chicken) ,,, back in taxi, need to change half way, taxis here are some what like the bus back home, a number of people, unrelated going to the same town, at the market in Sunyani there is a taxi available to Berekum but only one seat so I walk from the market .... in the shower by 430 and eat....WOW cant believe I got through the whole day!!!!!! forgot camera but the lad who was taking pics lives here in Sunyani so will bring me his camera card to download them be continued .....

1 comment:

  1. what a supportive uplifting environment. lucky you to be part of it.
