Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Let me introduce Hanaf


Hanaf is 3 years old and I met her at the party yesterday. She is quite outgoing, she came and sat on the chair next to me before crawling on my lap. (I presumed being white was not a bother to her like it is to many of the very little children who avoid being in my sight). When she walked away I noticed her legs were very bowed, like very. This does not stop her from running, dancing and playing.
       When I asked Efe what was happening, she said it was from Rickets (A preventable condition with the intake of Vitamin D). This condition is fixable with Vit. D and what ever the Orthopod deems necessary (it could be braces and/or surgery). I guess I point out this child to remind me and perhaps you that conditions that are almost unheard of in the developed world still rage here because of lack of knowledge and/or resources. Hanaf is the youngest child in her family and she is a girl. I have spoken through an interpreter to her Mom  Florence and hopefully we can get Hanaf to having straights legs. 


  1. Thanks for sharing. We are blessed here with decent medical care. Prayers for Hanaf, all you are with there and yourself.

  2. I am hopeful if her Mom would work with the MD's to resolve this for Hanaf.
