Saturday, December 17, 2022

The sounds of Saturday afternoon

 Firstly the students that trek by my windows are on Christmas break until the new year. 

So while my fan spins, the sound of silence outside is very remarkable. NO SOUND  Occasionally the bass pounds from a passing car  are noticed. Then I hear a bleating, a desperate bleating, over and over, a little one has lost his mom. He runs around to the back of the house, continuing his pathetic cry but meets a mama dog twice his size. The dog pays no attention but the lamb freezes in his place. Then fright/flight kicks in and the lamb runs like the winds out of sight. Whether he found mom, I don't know but he did add to the sounds of this afternoon.

How appropriate to have an angel from Eleanor made from a broken tea cup. Now, there is a sermon possibility for sure as we are broken angels.

I thank everyone for the varied support I receive and 

pray that everyone enjoys a blessed Christmas time and a healthy and peaceful 2023!