Thursday, December 22, 2022

found a book and Christmas party

found this book while looking at the Hamilton library on line, all Canadian authors set in Canadian scenes, stories are quite good.

 office Christmas party, 
went to chicken farm yesterday to get chickens, I realize that I am most of the time quite removed from where our food comes from.

Lunch was chicken of course, rice, salad and drinks. Victor and his wife did all the cooking
               Victor serving                                               Michael setting up drinks
                                                PK enjoyed the food

                                                     All done


  1. Merry Christmas Betty and co. It's. minus 16C this morning so hoping you are warmer and have lots of light. Peace to you ✨

  2. well, temp here is 35-36 in day and down 19 at night which is cold and one needs a blanket, the snow situation sounds terrible, I do not have snow tires in Hamilton so it is just as well that I am here lol
