Saturday, May 12, 2018

Saturday adventure in the blue van

firstly, no mechanical problems with the van, thanks be to God
We set out to a celebration of a church and school having their 80th anniversary in Kenyase
We went through a town where I noticed a grave monument covered with plastic and the closer we got to town there were hundreds and I mean hundreds of people walking toward the cemetery, I guessed for the unveiling of the it was uncovered when we passed coming back
 then continuing on
I realized that this was the part of the country that has gold mines. it is fairly easy to tell as the roads have less pot holes and there are many mountains of slag from the mining, several stories high. They do open pit mining so move tons of rock and earth to get to the gold and they are supposed to return the land to what it was prior to the mining (I hunch that does not happen often of at all)

                                                                     several stories high
on to the school and the church, kids filled the space with energy, music (2 trumpets, 1 slide trombone and of course lots of drumming)  ...............  festive or what eh!

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