Friday, May 18, 2018

electronics... not my best feature I have to admit

- Mary typed a document into the diocesan computer and wanted to print it BUT printer is not working, so plan was to put document on pen drive and print it elsewhere,  document would not open in next computer, so I was asked to see it I could assist, well I reloaded the pen drive from the original computer, I tried to open document on my computer but there is a bug or something and it will not open, tried to reload it again and still no success     ...    2 steps forward and three steps back.
- Going to a bar near the airport with the students who came for hot dogs tomorrow afternoon to play UNO, not played it since 1990 with my kids in India, hopefully it comes back quick 
- started to get curtains washed and pack them away along with laundry, thank goodness for Afia getting it all done

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