Friday, May 4, 2018

Orthopedic Clinic visit

Doris, Erasmus and Mabel's daughter is almost 3 yrs and is bow legged.
Her mobility has not been compromised as she runs, jumps down from the step, chases her 3 older brothers  and generally is a very active little girl.
So after due consideration mom, Doris and I were off to the St. John of God Hospital which has an excellent ortho department (where I went for my ankle cast). I have said this before but it bears repeating, ortho clinics are the same around the world, many given the same appt time so sitting and waiting 'by order of arrival' seems the normal. 
This is a children's clinic so the wait room has 60 or 70 moms holding and entertaining kids, some having fun and many are crying. 
Doris seen by consultant who acknowledged the situation and said that it frequently happens if the child walks early, Doris walked at 9 months, when the legs have difficulty handling the weight of the body at that age. The plan is to have the specialist examine her but let Doris  grow, often it corrects so he said by age 5 yrs. If not then a plan to correct it will be developed.  
I had promised to bring air boots to this hospital so we are going back Monday to donate them and the specialist will see Doris at that time. If nothing else Doris will be followed until she is 5 and then time will tell what happens next. 

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