Tuesday, January 29, 2013


JANUARY 29, 2013 VISIT Only Womens Prison in this province. - Inmates: 18 WOMEN: 12 INMATES 6 REMANDS - Inmate projects: FLOOR MATS, KINKI, BREAD, ??HAIRDRESSING IN FUTURE, SEWING SLIPS which are sold to generate money to enhance the care of the inmate. This initiatve was started by the guards to raise the standard of care. Marketing is an issue as would be buyers are thought to be lowering themselves to buy from the prison. - Vegetable Garden - LETTUCE, YAMS, CABBAGE - ALL TAKES PLACE IN ONE YARD SIZE OF basketball court - ONE SMALL BABY, MOTHER INMATE CAME IN THE LAST THREE DAYS - GUARDS CUTTING FABRIC BOUGHT FROM SEAMSTRESSES FOR FLOOR MATS FED 3 MEALS/DAY not all jails are this generous - 30 GUARDS TO 18 INMATES, ALL THREE SHIFTS PLUS ADMINISTRATION - LOCKED UP AT NIGHT The return rate is low for the women, nost offences are fighting and stealing with a very few murders. My comment to the Officer, I wonder what took place to the women before the murder. There is some attempt to teach life skills so they can make it upon release. Very memorable scene.

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