Friday, January 18, 2013

January 18th, Landed in my new home TEMP 36oC, a warm day A self-contained bedsitter unit is home for me now. I included pictures of this great space. It feels a little like going into a university dorm for first year. The bishop has generously outfitted this space with everything that I might need including a TV with rabbit ears (remember what they were like, some times more snow than picture). Tried to open a bank account today, first bank said no but it seems as though Barcley’s is going to say yes when I gather the request info: have been back twice so far and not finished yet, another document requested. My cold is hanging on, bought Benylin cough syrup at the Chemist and hopefully I will help get me to stop coughing so I can sleep. I am dammed if I can figure out how to insert pics, all suggestion gratefully received


  1. got thatpart, now want to crop and I found under edit the crop icon but whenI click on it it makes a box but distorts the image when I enlarge or move the box
    any advice

  2. Sorry I missed this comment earlier, hadn't subscribed to followup comments. I see you figured it out.

