Sunday, January 20, 2013


up at 6, picked up at 7 and first service at 730 AM !!!!! no smoke or bells, sermon 40 minutes, finished at 915 next service at 9 but you realize that did not happen so it was 930 by the time it got started, smoke, bells, the same altar kid servers etc dancing/drumming after the sermon language is both english and traditional(I do not know the name) pic is the front of St. Anselm's Cathedral SOUNDS drumming,rooster,horns beeping, hen chirping by the door with two chicks following, service unfolding, choir singing their hearts out WOW!!!! SIGHTS Usher (young girl with a Usher badge) handing out service leaflets, wardens with academic gowns on guarding the door, collectionis veryone dancing up to one of the two containers (actually there are blue plastic basins inside to contain the money) men wearing traditional cloth, some with light suits, women with traditonal colourful dress,one couple,(later I was informed he is a dentist ) she has a long dress and he has a shirt of the same fabric I will putthe pics in the next post,esier for me to work

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