Wednesday, January 16, 2013

sitting in Heathrow, 630 am your time, 1130 London time, flight at 135pm, not too long a wait
had bulkhead seat from To. great space for my boot cast, not bad for me either. no movie worth watching,
slept a bit,
can hardly believe the house and me got packed to get away, only with help was it possible and I do not mean from afar.
I wonder sometimes where my head is as I brought 4 computers, a printer and solar charger, all of which have to be put in plastic bins along with my coat, suitcase, purse, boot case and shoe, the officials look at me like '???'   anyway I still get through
free wifi not working so on a pay by the minute computer so can not add a picture, will do as soon as I am able,  peace

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