Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'good news and bad news

The good news is that I now am confident in cropping pictures, I know everyone else finds it an easy task but ask my daughter, for me learning anything on the computer is a major undertaking The bad news is that forecasted temp for Saturday, the 5-6 hour ordination that I am preaching 99. I asked him whether people faint, he had no reaction saying not often. Well this will be a test, robes and all, last ordination I attend here was 6 1/2 hours and I went out at the offertory for a soda. anyway enough of a canadian going on and on about the weather because no one here pays it any attention Meet the woman in the picture while I waited to be picked up this am, delightful and very sweet


  1. Best wishes for not fainting on Saturday!

  2. The other test is not coughing my guts out with all the incense

  3. How is your cold doing? Hope the heat is baking it out of you.

  4. Thanks for asking about the cold it has turned into a cough that I am having great difficulty getting to go away, started antibiotics yesterday as to preach on Sat is going to be a challenge to not cough

  5. Glad your on antibiotics for the cold , trust it will help. do you have some halls to suck?
    Bummer havng a cold in such heat.
