Thursday, January 17, 2013


Surprise, surprise, I was met at the airpot in Sunyani by a delegation from the diocese (would have been a good time for clergy shirt but alas, not today), pictures, presented with flowers by a young girl (Christina), she gave a speech to welcome me, and had got out of school for the event, the whole airport (smaller than the old Malton airport) was a twitter with my arrival. I was quite surpirsed believe me. so after idenfying my luggage, I hobble with my boot cast across the parking lot (sorta gravel and dirt) I am afraid all the names are going in one ear and out the other, that will take time
go to the house, greeted by Bishop Festus, then the St Joseph's Society ladies who presented me with kitchen stuff for my room, Lordy Lordy
while eating lunch bishop remarks that there is an ordination, apriest and 4 deacons, a week Saturday and could I preach, of course says I,  how long, well... 15 minutes because it will need to be translated and that will add to 30 in total so that will work, the last ordination here I attended was 6 1/2 hours long.
now the rooster is crowing outside the window, the fan whirls above, my head is aching form lack of rest but in time that will resolve, I brought a head cold from Canada so nose is running etc, this too will pass.
no`pictures from this am as the bishop has his camera so when he returns I will add pics.
temp is warm, no snow or rain today


  1. An awesome welcome for an amazing lady wow

  2. Boy you really hit the deck running

  3. temp is cold here & snowing, lucky you! house is abuzz with boxes & the sounds of competing alpha males. noah sleeps quietly on my chest, while felony hides from luka in the same box he used when i lived in TO (that is when he's not lurking in my basement rafters!).

  4. Nice welcome!

    January cold weather hit - forecast high today is -9C. Enjoy the heat!

