Thursday, January 26, 2012


I was up at 530am but went to bed at 8pm last night. I am not on my computer so can not send pics. Chapel is at 640am and then breakfast...spagetti with hot dogs cut up. You have to know it tastes real good when one is hungry.
I left my backpack (computer and meds in it) in the taxi yesterday and in the midst of poverty, the taxi driver returned it this am. It confirms to me that people remain faithful and good regardless of the circumstance.
I am going shopping...I know what else is new... to buy a phone as my roaming does not work for some reason in Haiti, only in the Domincan, and a camera to replace the one that fell out of the van.
talk later.


  1. Just about anything tastes good when you are hungry. We cut up hot dogs and put it in home made macaroni and cheese - yummy. Peace be with you!

  2. Well, the usual for breakfast, spagetti with hot dogs, lunch, beaucoup rice, beef with a few veggies, gravey with jiuce crystals
    supper was a surprise as I thought it was a very smooth oatmeal porridge and when we got everything translate, they called it oats, it was very smnooth and sweet with a spice that we could not identify but it was nice. and water to drink
