Friday, January 27, 2012


The church structure was so damaged in the quake that is unsafe, an area was built, concrete pad with corregated tin roof which leaks when it rains but it is safe. It is amazing how we can 'make do' when necessary. I think sometimes it does one good to have to make do, to demonstrate that sometimes our goals can be for the wrong reasons so 'making do' give time for the real priority to emerge.

The neighbourhood was damaged greatly and two years down the road, still is in great disarray BUT merchants line the street selling their wares, life continues. Beside the tent cities of

which are several, a line of porta potties are the sanitation system.

I spoke to the saleman in the shop where I bought the camera etc yesterday about his feelings during the quake. He was in the basement of the store and thought for sure that he would die. For weeks,life was totally chaotic with the damage, the smell and dreams of it happening again. At this time he does not think about it, passes downed buildings without giving them a second glance. Things are harder as there is so much rubble, even getting around requires major effort.

As you can see buses are very decorated in bright colours. each one with a different design. lots of fun.

enough for now

yet people persevere to eek out their life. I am so impressed with their will and determination.

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