Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cathdral before

I am trying to get pictures of the cathdral before but do not know how to save them in a picture format so I took pictures of them on the computer, but I can not turn off the flash as it is a new camera so this is the best that I could do. If you look on web sites for the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Port au Prince, Haiti you can see how beautiful it was.


  1. can't you just right click on the pic then hit 'save picture as...'?

  2. YES I did that and could dowload it to a word document, this web site for photos could only accept picture formating, I just wonder though whether I could have downloaded it to the writing part of the message, that may work, I will try it now, too much french, I almost wrote maintenant, my head is a bit schizophrenic in the language department right now
