Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday - attend a funeral

The pictures are of St. Luke's Leogone, after the quake and the present worship space.

Temp 40o and driving the usual way: in and out speed up to 80 k/h and then jump on the brakes to wait for opportunity to pass a slower vehicle

funeral for the mother of a seminarian in Loagone (the epicentre of the quake)

The destruction was quite wide spread but buildings that had rebars and supports were less affected than ones without which stand to reason. Most of the rebuilds include rebars and steel supports. At the funeral the women of the family were upset and wailing, very loud I must admit. I asked the priest is this was expected, he said that she must be very nervous. At the end of the service one daughter threw herself on the floor screaming with her brother laying on her to keep her still. Eventually she settled and we left to come back to the seminary.
The present worship space is a concrete pad with a tin roof which I understand leaks when it rains.

Arriving back it was not long before I was in bed, the heat, the very bumpy roads and very loud services wears me out.

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