Friday, January 27, 2012

Notre Dame Anglican School

I almost celebrated the eucharist today and the celebrant was not there, so got robed and during the first hymn he arrived, thanks be to God as I would have done it in english and that would have been a struggle for the seminarians,

I visited the school where I am going to volunteer for the time I am here.

300 students, in an impoverished area of Port au Prince, Fr. Jeanfls the priest of the church and director of the school.

the poverty is endless but I can not say often enough that Human Spirit goes on regardless of the circumstance, mothers wash clothes, kids go to school, shopping is done, etc, floors are swept and folks attend church.


  1. Sort of like how Christmas came even though the Grinch took all their gifts and decorations. It is amazing what you can do if you have to.

  2. I wish a day that they can really enjoy humanly life. I know that anyone who receives from God receives for a reason. If you did not yet understand why you have received from God, here is the reason: Supporting them.
