Tuesday, January 31, 2012

so I figured it out

In actual fact the solution was in front of me but I could not see it.

right click on the picture and then where it says save as ...

then it was saved in the picture folder,now how simple was that

well the picture is of the cathedral before the interior had many murals on the wals and the ceiling but they are all lost.


  1. Bravo!

    An earlier Anglican Journal report thought that 3 of the 14 might be salvageable.

  2. I saw on line that they are picking through the rubble and putting aside pieces of murals and they plan to try to put the pieces together in a Memorial Place that will be created when the new cathedral is built. It is quite a loss for the country and really for the world.

  3. You are such a busy blogger. I can't wait to hear some more of your stories. Take care,

  4. Great photos and stories! Love the save as comment :)
