Friday, June 14, 2024

Return plans have started

 bought out of country insurance, a very large bite from the pocket book, the price of doing this 

I am collecting used phone, not locked, used computers to distribute, 

call me as I can pick them up. 416 795 3575

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cold cold cold

 I had a good trip back, cold weather required socks and a sweater. Quite tired so resting. Great time in Ghana, projects were very helpful, so now back to life in the modern world reminding me of how blessed I am to be living in Canada. Thanks for your interest and support. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Bags are packed, ready to go.....

 Bishop has offered his car and driver to take me to Accra and then on to the airport tomorrow, much more comfortable driving for me than the night bus ;) So leaving here at 8am tomorrow, plane leaves at 10pm..... Arrive Toronto Wednesday afternoon

I was going to be without sufficient food so ordered a pizza at the office, took a couple of pieces and the rest was devoured by the guys. they all thought it was a wonderful lunch.

the stole you see on the top of the hockey bag was a gift from Bishop this am, It is so beautiful and I am bringing back to hopefully use this summer somehow  

Thursday, April 11, 2024

It is ending...

I just finished my sermon for this Sunday, my last message before I leave on Monday evening for Canada. the 8 hour bus to Accra, hotel for day on Tuesday and Tuesday evening fly to Brussels, then a hop to Montreal Wednesday am, then a little hop to land in Toronto on  Wednesday afternoon. I have this extra stop in Montreal to save $500,00. I have concluded this was not a good decision as Brussel Air is not KLM, but slowly I learn.


guess I should get excited about food on the plane   noooooooo

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A very nice thank you

 Today the Anglican school next door got a new fence around the playground with a gate painted red and white to match the Canadian flag. Dignitaries from the District of Education, PTA, and thanks from the teachers and one student who had a very well rehearsed speech(very well done). I was given flowers (all flowers here are silk or plastic as real ones with wilt before you get get them out of the store). All the students were in attendance. Then we walked around to see gate and the fence and the building with fresh paint. Very lovely time and totally unexpected. 

Kids at the gate in red and white

Salome is standing next to me in traditional dress, she presented me flowers when I first entered. I was presented a Citation which is a popular way of showing appreciation 

kids kids kids


Monday, April 8, 2024

Sunday am - a time for surprises

 the post script to the service was a session on CPR. A few weeks ago I wrote about a baby not responding and then he went to hospital and was fine. It brought up the conversation with the Dean about knowing CPR. I found a flyer " a easy way to remember CPR, had a few made including plasticized ones to be posted. so yesterday was the session with strong encouragement from the Dean to stay and listen. It was well received, the translator had them laughing so I have not idea what he was saying but it kept everyone involved.  

In front of the altar on the floor with a server as the patient.

continuing with the respirations

I found a flyer on line and had copies made, 
that will be at every doorway to remind  folks

I guess once a nurse always a nurse.

Thursday, April 4, 2024


How many kids does it take to carry my bags to the office?  One to carry the briefcase, one to carry my purse, one to hold the door open, two to hold my hands, one to show me her blue nail polish and the rest to burst into the office to announce  our arrival!


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Holy Week, it kept me more than busy

Palm Sunday: a walk through some of the town streets. arriving at the cathedral

Holy Week
Monday and Tuesday: Clergy Retreat 8am to 9pm,  good discussions
Wednesday: Chrism Mass and renewal of ordination vows. After 30 years I still get struck by the promises I have made year after year.
Thursday: Maundy Thursday, washing feet and stripping the alar
Friday: The  loneliness of the cross is as powerful as ever. I focused on the nails going into His hands.
Saturday: Vigil I needed to stay home as I was exhausted so I could enjoy today Easter
Sunday: Easter, He is risen

Processing in under the Crooks of the Society of the Good Shephard

Kids came up for my blessing. Even though I have been around for several years I am still a novelty that makes some afraid

Sunday, March 17, 2024

While preaching...

During a sermon, many things can happen; *not everyone is  listening,  I know this to be true as i have on occasion found myself thinking about non sermon data. phones ring, oopsy forgot to turn off the sound, *coughing fits that need a sip of water, and on and on. 

Today takes the winning prize. I was preaching, Dean translates as I go, sentence by sentence, we get a good rhythm going and a barefoot woman who is crying,  comes up with a child in her arms. Dean, Precentor and I gather around her. the Child was limp, eyes rolled back, no apparent moving, Dean and  Precentor started praying fervently and I am asking the kid breathing? the answer I got was NO,NOT BREATHING,  We need to start CPR.I say, no one moves so I start pinching his ear lobes (very painful, if there is any life, prayer and pinching gets the patient to react) in short time the child coughs and takes a large  breath. Mother says she will go to the Hospital, I say quickly and she runs out of church.

Then I look at Dean and he says,,, well, continue and we resume our translating  rhythm as if nothing had happened.

On the drive home I ask the Dean if doing CPR was something  he thought of  and he answered NO.

He asks if I could do a workshop on CPR before I leave. I comment that one may feel they do not know how to do CPR well, well doing nothing guarantees the person will die, any assistance is better than that.

Well ........ that was a first for me. and I pray the child does well.

ps Monday Morning

Child went to hospital and is doing well, thanks be to God.

Monday, March 11, 2024

visitors to the cathedral yesterday

 Students from the College of Education (notice the fabric that their clothes are made of, most organizations, clubs, churches, schools  have cloth made with their crests and appropriate colours designed and manufactured). It really seems to up the enthusiasm for the group when they are gathered. Young people full of energy and enthusiasm make it quite easy to be happy with them.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Fabric bought

 I bought this 12 yards of fabric, here would be used as traditional cloth for men to wear like a toga. I think it would look great as a bed cover. I have plenty for 4 double bed covers. I do not need this much but it would only be sold as a whole piece so I bought all 12 yards; a bed at the cottage and at my apartment I think would be quite stylish. It is 50 inches wide so I plan to add a piece on either side to drop down the sides of the bed. Yea Ghana!


I will have 6 yards left, if you are interested in buying it, write me at

Thursday, March 7, 2024


 A school holiday for sure with celebrations including politicians, clergy, district officials and the public. there are marching school groups being assessed, trophies for the best. There was a dais for the politicians etc which includes clergy, nice chairs  :)

                                                                 a school marching by

nice chairs with me on the dias, received a take away snack and water while sitting there and got recognized by the MC for attending

The chiefs for the district with their wives and attendants were seated out front

a Tribute tot he local politician

Dominic was good enough to accompany me getting taxi etc. Yea Dominic!!!


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

busy busy weekend

Saturday, Elizabeth had Naming Ceremony and her Baptism.

Bishop Kweme Naming Elizabeth, a ceremony that usually takes place within a few weeks of birth but because Elizabeth was premature it was delayed. 

Sunday, Churching of Mom and Blessing of Elizabeth at the altar. Churching is a ceremony by which women after childbirth are received in the church with prayers, blessings and thanksgiving.

How many priests did it take to baptize Elizabeth ... 4.. with one being the Bishop . She was well and truly blessed

Family portrait

The gang is all here

Dancing at the reception by Dominic

In glorious splendor

Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Wear

 I wear Ghana clothes on Fridays like dress down Fridays that occurs in Canada.

a first world problem in a third world setting

 I use my Ipad as a reader (Had Kobos but they not last long).  so I download books from the libraries around Hamilton to keep myself amused. WELL if you were not aware but the Hamilton City government was hacked with a cyber mouse last Sunday, whole system for the city was affected, buses, municipal building, other services including the library system with no internet. NO books since last Sunday. So, I will admit that playing games on my phone, watching tv with more interest and sewing has kept my occupied . but I still am in withdrawal about no books. The libraries in the area have internet but my library card is in the Hamilton Library system and it can not be validated. so  .... I am very bored😪zzzz.

When you think about it, a very first world problem eh! Oh hum.....

Thursday, February 29, 2024

School project is coming along

 posts are in for fence mesh to be attached. The red posts, a little difficult to see against the red earth

Monday, February 19, 2024

This and that

 Akosua, a visitor to the office on Friday, she kept rubbing my hand, I wonder if she was trying to make the white go away

Elizabeth in her Canadiana mode

Curtains, Sunday after church work

With the sewing machine I can shorten the curtains that have dragged on the floor since their beginning.

 being shortened, notice the brown hue to curtain, the earth here is red and the breeze brings the dust into the house and everything gets covered, 

ta ta, white again and shortened .....yea team!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

First time on 30 years

 I first came to Ghana in the spring of 1994. I have always been cautious that I not get into any trouble that would pose a danger to me. The house I live in has bars on every window like most houses here in town. My apartment in Sunyani was the same. I have been warned that thieves can reach in through the bars to take anything that is close to the window. 

So I was woke up early Monday morning, like around 3am and saw through my window a 3 inch diameter  long tree branch with sticky tape on the end picking up my I pad that was beside me on the bed.  (I am known for my repertoire of 4 letter words) so I grabbed the stick and pulled it into my bedroom along with letting a rip of 4  letter  words fly out the window. I was pleased that my I pad was safe but realize later that my new phone was gone off the dresser.  Could not go back to sleep so the 24 hour news channel out of Paris, France 24, kept me company until day light when  I went next door to Dean's house to report this happening. I have not done an all nighter for many years. Everyone is upset that it happened. It has been an interesting week since listening to similar situations. 

Security around the house has been evaluated, exterior lights have been replaced and will be on all night,  a system of immobilizing the sliding windows has been developed. New phone purchased with a backup phone in the drawer.  

All is well again, I am safe, and my stuff is secure, but it was a little jarring to say the least.

As annoying and upsetting as this was, I feel that this incident needs to be kept in perspective, first time in 30 years, I am fine and my house is more secure. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

a long story

 the Anglican Primary School next door to the diocese has looked shabby for many years. The government claims free schooling here but only gives funds for teachers and very little else so building maintenance is left undone. When I had a conversation with the new Headmistress  Millicent she claimed the enrollment is low because the school does not have fencing on the playground the the buildings badly need to be painted She drew up a proposal and the startup funding was found so the project has started.

The project is in 3 phases; level the playground, erect a chain link fence with metal posts in concrete, paint the buildings inside and out

Pictures will tell the tale. 



one Sunday the chain saw worked from 6am to dark around 6pm, a front end loader pushed the trees over and the whole playground was leveled. Now the kids play soccer every day until dark with sticks for goal posts and sometimes chalk to line the goal areas.  Will keep you posted as to the progress with the fence and painting. Still need funds for fence and paint, if you would like to assist, cheques to 52 Belmont Ave. Hamilton L8L 7M1.A  I can not give tax receipts.

a shout out to my grandson Cameron

 who turned nine on the 6th     Yea Cameron!!!!!!!

a short story

 I have used a sewing machine since the age of 10, my maternal grandmother was a sewer (worked a sweat shop on Spadina for many years making undergarments for ladies, one day they asked her age and she was 74 yrs. so they had her retire, much to her dismay), anyway, she taught me how to use a sewing machine which was a treadle. So I have used a machine for many years. All this preamble to the fact that I had a sewing machine shipped this year that I had been given from Jane. The hydro here is 220 and in Canada it is 110 so a step down is needed to use it here. Finally last week I got a step down and last night decided to put everything together to sew. The step down was fine but it took me two hours including finding the manual on google (thanks for inventing google, it saves the day and my sanity often) to thread the machine. Frustrating to say the least BUT I won and it work like a charm.

Now what did I do before the machine in the past years....... staples to the rescue. I shortened my sheer curtains by running a line of staples along. It may be primitive but it works!

step down - 220 w.  electricity from the wall plug is downgraded to be 110w
                    when it gets to the sewing machine

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 I think even when away one needs a day off. Last Saturday was another 6 hour ordination (got take away meal so no cooking 😀),   +   Sunday a 3.5 hour morning service SO I took Monday off - very nice to have a day off even as a volunteer. cooking, laundry and reading   very nice day...

Thursday, January 25, 2024

A treat called Sweet Kenkey

 Kenkey: I have told the story many times. The first trip to Ghana in 1994 I  was serv ed supper and began to eat it with a spoon while the family eat with their right hand. It was the grosses food I had ever eaten. Trying to figure out what it was, I was told it was corn and my response was ' how come it does not taste like corn'. Kenkey is fermented white corn. So for the next 20 years I declared kenkey on the no eat list.. 

Last year I was introduced to Sweet Kenkey. I was very hesitant to try it given my long ago experience but I did . I was quite pleasant and reminded my of  the consistency of Camembert, a little rubbery. 

This long intro was to say that I have Sweet Kenkey last night as a snack, I just cut off small pieces to eat until it is all gone. mmmm good. It was wrapped in leaves (no plastic wrap to recycle), and put in a black plastic bag, everything is put in a black plastic bag to take home.


                                                                                               READY TO ENJOY