Sunday, March 17, 2024

While preaching...

During a sermon, many things can happen; *not everyone is  listening,  I know this to be true as i have on occasion found myself thinking about non sermon data. phones ring, oopsy forgot to turn off the sound, *coughing fits that need a sip of water, and on and on. 

Today takes the winning prize. I was preaching, Dean translates as I go, sentence by sentence, we get a good rhythm going and a barefoot woman who is crying,  comes up with a child in her arms. Dean, Precentor and I gather around her. the Child was limp, eyes rolled back, no apparent moving, Dean and  Precentor started praying fervently and I am asking the kid breathing? the answer I got was NO,NOT BREATHING,  We need to start CPR.I say, no one moves so I start pinching his ear lobes (very painful, if there is any life, prayer and pinching gets the patient to react) in short time the child coughs and takes a large  breath. Mother says she will go to the Hospital, I say quickly and she runs out of church.

Then I look at Dean and he says,,, well, continue and we resume our translating  rhythm as if nothing had happened.

On the drive home I ask the Dean if doing CPR was something  he thought of  and he answered NO.

He asks if I could do a workshop on CPR before I leave. I comment that one may feel they do not know how to do CPR well, well doing nothing guarantees the person will die, any assistance is better than that.

Well ........ that was a first for me. and I pray the child does well.

ps Monday Morning

Child went to hospital and is doing well, thanks be to God.


  1. Glad to hear the child is doing well, Thanks Be To God and your action.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow this is amazing. Hope they do realize CPR would be a great asset. Stay well Betty!
