Friday, March 1, 2024

a first world problem in a third world setting

 I use my Ipad as a reader (Had Kobos but they not last long).  so I download books from the libraries around Hamilton to keep myself amused. WELL if you were not aware but the Hamilton City government was hacked with a cyber mouse last Sunday, whole system for the city was affected, buses, municipal building, other services including the library system with no internet. NO books since last Sunday. So, I will admit that playing games on my phone, watching tv with more interest and sewing has kept my occupied . but I still am in withdrawal about no books. The libraries in the area have internet but my library card is in the Hamilton Library system and it can not be validated. so  .... I am very bored😪zzzz.

When you think about it, a very first world problem eh! Oh hum.....


  1. Richard says try to check Torrent Freaks, 10 Torrents listed, try torrent 1337, Search for a title or author, then Download, then ask a 14 year old for help.

  2. ... or send us the name of the book or author you'd like, I can download it here, attach the book to an email and send it to you.

  3. So much more of 'hacking' going on...but indeed a first world problem. Stay well!

  4. This week if you have read the major underwater cable has been cut affecting West and South Africa. It means downloading is slow like dial up or no downloading at all. They have switched to other means but they say it will take 5 weeks to repair. I will be back in Canada when it is completed and back to my fast Bell service. I can not wait.
