Sunday, March 31, 2024

Holy Week, it kept me more than busy

Palm Sunday: a walk through some of the town streets. arriving at the cathedral

Holy Week
Monday and Tuesday: Clergy Retreat 8am to 9pm,  good discussions
Wednesday: Chrism Mass and renewal of ordination vows. After 30 years I still get struck by the promises I have made year after year.
Thursday: Maundy Thursday, washing feet and stripping the alar
Friday: The  loneliness of the cross is as powerful as ever. I focused on the nails going into His hands.
Saturday: Vigil I needed to stay home as I was exhausted so I could enjoy today Easter
Sunday: Easter, He is risen

Processing in under the Crooks of the Society of the Good Shephard

Kids came up for my blessing. Even though I have been around for several years I am still a novelty that makes some afraid

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