Thursday, November 11, 2021

'returning after 18 months' clean out

 clothes smell musty, boxes have stuff that needs to be turfed as I moved last time and did not sort before I moved. I am finding things that I had forgotten about and now need to figure out what to do with them. I have been coming to stay since 2013, gee 8 years of collecting to be dealt with. William is doing laundry every day, I am sure he thinks I am mad but he is always willing, wait until next week when we tackle the curtains.   While  walking to and fro to the office on the hard red earth path, I am accompanied by chickens, goats and school kids yelling ;obroni'  (white person) from the Akan language. 

put up Chinese paper lanterns that I brought with Canadian maple leaf on them,  

on the dining room windows.  My Canadian corner so to speak

1 comment:

  1. A little touch of cold Canada in warm Ghana.
