Tuesday, November 16, 2021

ELUO FESTIVAL Sunday afternoon

 A gathering at the palace of Karakyle Kwasi Bumangama II who welcomed hundreds. The festival marks the beginning of the harvest and the way traditional leaders distributed among the people to prevent hunger. It was lead by the clergy of the area including prayers, scripture and a sermon. Dancing and singing, drumming, and choirs singing were part of the program. This scene is the centre of the palace with buildings with housing forming a court yard.

Me dancing at the request of the Precentor Rev. Fr. Benjamin 
(who now claims me as Grandma being my second grandson with this name)


  1. I can be you dance 💃 better than me. Wow I'm in this country and I don't know about this Eluo festival. Thanks for sharing Rev. Your robe suits you 😍

  2. All cultures seem to have a harvest festival. We are so alike.
