Tuesday, November 9, 2021

getting into the groove

 Met 4 little girls on the way to the office, they needed me to know that they were going to buy food, it is very common here for students to buy a snack at break time, often you see kids wandering to the store, I have no idea how the teachers keep track of their students this way but it seems to work. 

Notices for events here consist of large posters stuck on buildings and posts rather than ads in newspaper or individual cards. This system is used for marriages, funerals and important church events like the consecration of a new bishop. Below is the notice for Bishop Kwame Kyem-Ampomah, former Dean of the Cathedral Church of Ascension here in Wiawso.

The additional draw besides the actual consecration was the attendance of the President of the Republic of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo who presented the new bishop with a new car.

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