Saturday, November 13, 2021

Ordained to the deaconate

 I was asked to be at the office at 7am to catch the bus to the ordination. Well we left at 745 with everyone smiling loudly  that I had been there since 7. I know people come later but I can not figure out how late to be so I arrive on time. oh hum such is life here. One was being ordained to the deaconate PRINCE BENNIEH. It was very moving as I remembered  my ordination to being ordained a deacon, 30 years ago last week on the 3rd. Time does move on. So much seen and so much done and still work to do. 

Prince approaches the chancellor carrying a cross for scrutiny.

After answering questions he then is lead to the bishop where the chancellor declares his appropriateness to become a deacon.  Please note I realize it is hard to see, 
 the white wig the chancellor is wearing.

Then on his knees in front of the bishop. They usually lay prostate in front of the bishop but today just knelt. After the laying on of hands Rev. Prince Bennieh was dressed as a deacon 
with stole and dalmatic (white and with blue trim)

The service continues  with dancing before the sermon. Maybe if we had folks get up before the sermon in Canada they might feel refreshed to hear the sermon better/ lol

Men dance too

dancing with baby on board

 the congregation, looking to the back of the church

I was back home by 330pm, had a shower and a nap :)


  1. I pray Africans Respect time ⏲. Even God works with time. I'm sure it's one hallmark you were told, that you could define us once you touched down on African soil. God bless the newly ordained soul. I pray he manifest the good exemplary life of the Lord 🙏

  2. Thanks be to God for this new Deacon
