Monday, February 24, 2020

SYNOD 2020

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were occupied with Synod.
It is interesting the sameness between synods regardless of where they take place, the difference is the lack of automation that exists here.
Collation of Synod materials   

collating by hand, no fancy machine taking over the task

Size of synod quite different from Diocese of Toronto, 115 participants here

there were some additional  formalities , clergy wear cassock for all meetings, 
during worship services, surplice and stole and all archdeacons and canons sit, in support, behind the bishop while he is chairing the meetings, Registrar is a lawyer from Kumasi in full regalia

                 this is Isaac and myself
It is interesting being the obvious stranger in the group with many people reluctant to sit with me for meals, Isaac was the brave soul who sat with me at each meal so we are now friends, exchanged phone numbers to call and check on one another. Isaac called the next day to ask how I was. He has a simple phone so I connected with his priest who could get a                                                                  photo printed for him
