Saturday, February 8, 2020

Good news and bad news

Bad news first:
Today was the day to pick up my passport. I received a call on Monday from Immigration that the name on the letter of invitation from the bishop was not the same as  my passport. Knowing that the letter said Betty and my passport says Elizabeth, I got a revised letter stating my name as Elizabeth and went  off yesterday with my new letter. I get in the office and am told the name discrepancy is the word Canon. I explain it is a title like Rev. and he has never heard it before. I say, you are not Anglican and he is RC. He is used to Rev. Father and I say Rev. Canon is an Anglican title. At that point. I tell him I want to cry, as it takes 3 1/2, hours each way and 300 ($75.00 Canadian) Ghana Cedis for fuel to make on one trip and this is my second trip from Waiwso. It means that in total for 3 trips it will be $900 Cedis for fuel and 21 hours on the road to finally get my passport stamped AND since I only get a 3 month stamp I need to repeat this whole procedure at the end of April for a one month stamp as I leave the end of May. OH S---.  I asked what is the consequence of not renewing the stamp when I go to the airport when  leaving the country. The fine is 80 Cedis, I say that is cheaper than getting it renewed and that seems like my plan for the end of May this year.
He did give me 3 application forms and said that I did not need to come personally so if someone was coming to Kumasi they could bring the documents  to get the stamp renewed and picked up. SO I still do not have a passport and when I went to the bank later to get an advance on my visa, I needed my passport, dam, so no money. But Bank staff tell me that I can use Visa to pay for merchandise here which I did not know so .... off to buy a chair on my visa.
Good news
I got an office chair to go with the desk AND it was on sale which I only realized at the cash register, nice surprise. It took 15 or 20 minutes for them to find the chair from the stock room. I then asked if I could take the display chair when Ebeneezer was seemingly choking about putting the boxed chair together. Got the display chair  which fit in the back of the car.
                                                                      very comfy

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