Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Its only Monday


So off at 6 am to Kumasi, the sun is rising, the mist is disappearing, the traffic is light and BAM ****
blew a tire. ...... oh good, well there is a spare here named"take me home" tire.
Ebeneezer knows what to do, thank goodness as I call CAA but I don't think they come this far,
he runs back and picks up pieces from the car that are on the road, ??? I don't know what they are but after an explanation, they are the cover that line the wheel well ( I did not know that it even existed), so get jack out, get blown tire off,  gets "take me home " tire on and we are off again, It seems that the liner coming off the wheel-well have bent some of the metal around the wheel space.
!st stop is Immigration\; Yes I leave happy with passport in hand.
off to mechanic to see about the car and the tire:
3 1/3 hours later new (used) tire that looks in great shape, bent metal hammered out, the wheel well liner reinstalled and off to shop as we are in the big city where many more things are available than in Waiwso, then back is Waiwso by 7pm, 

very broken tire

Ebeneezer examining the situation              the liner from the wheel-well retrieved from the road

So off to the mechanic: now the working space for this repair man is somewhat simple compared to the computer driven sparkling repair shop that my Honda dealership has. It took 3 1/2 hours to get a tire and to repair everything, we stayed there as the repair seems to be quicker than if you leave it and come back so I am told.
Repair shop:
Cars in a variety states of repair or disrepair             this is the compressed air station,
                                                                                 a tank with a hose and a nozzle on the end

and I sat under a tree reading from my Ipad

1 comment:

  1. Another day another adventure. I love the name "take me home tire" i will always have one in my car.
