Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Bush Meat

You can often see someone at the side of the road holding up by the tail an animal they have killed from the bush, I thought they look like big rats actually but never seen them up close. I understand there are various animals that fall under the category of Bush Meat. It is usually a cheaper way of getting protein instead of beef, pork, chicken or fish. Today I saw one animal that I found very weird. a mammal with scales, according to Google it is the only one in existence.
an African and Asian mammal that has a body covered with horny overlapping scales, a small head with an elongated snout, a long sticky tongue for catching ants and termites, and a tapering tail.Also called scaly anteat
 kinda gross actually                                    PANGOLIN


  1. The world of animals is amazing. Is this one of the bush meat sources

  2. what kind of condiments would you serve with this?

  3. yes this is one example of bush meat. folks buy bush meat for the protein source as it is cheaper than traditional meat sources.
    Condiments???? I would have to get beyond buying it which means I would need to be very very hungry to even consider it as food for me. I am blessed and think that would never happen.

  4. Update on this animal
    They just found the coronavirus. On the animal. Not on the menu any more

  5. Pangolins are a severely endangered species. Sad to see them still being sold as bush meat. Let alone the potential of them being a source of this novel coronavirus.
