Saturday, February 1, 2020


Left at 6 am, standing in Immigration.. office #3 just before 10 am. Yes in the correct place, I was told to make copies of the plane tks and .invitation letter to which I said...these are copies you can keep. I sit down to fill the application form and am told have to fill it out in the hall.  Ok and out to the hall I go. Fill out form and go back in. I laugh and say...if I had a dream this could be done today,,, would that be a dream.  YES! So need to travel all this way next Friday to pick up the passport.  The good news is that I can shop for items not in Wiawso. By noon back on the road to pick up Mother Margaret and her sister from a funeral and then home. I fell asleep a couple of times on route and went to bed for a nap to be able to stay awake for part of the evening and then back to bed. Today... a day of rest forgoing a burial from the cathedral.

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