Tuesday, April 10, 2018

looking for hot dog buns

you have to know that part of the fun here is trying to find something that is everywhere is Canada.
There are 4 German students here on a program for a year, teaching at a variety of schools in one way or an other. a couple of weeks ago Benedict and Joanna dropped in to chat and we talked about the differences between here and back home. in the midst of it I said I have hot dogs. Benedict brightened up and wanted to know...really  .... where can you get them etc, so I said I would have a dinner when hot dogs would be the main feature. I really like relish on my dogs so looking for relish and none to be found,  no one knows what pickles are either, even at the local hotel which has International visitors, So next was to find buns, well they of course don't exist if you don't have hot dogs, Someone has found a baker who will make them, I just sent a picture of a bun for a reference. The two students dropped in yesterday and we decided that lunch on Friday is going to be the hot dog fest, no relish but hey, can't have everything. so a marginally nutritious meal with hot dogs, Pringles potatoes chips, some quiche and spring rolls I got at the hotel and Benedict is bring guacamole and tortilla chips (he brought the spices from home) sodas or juice or water to drink, a crap meal but once in a while its fun. 

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